Wednesday, September 19, 2012


In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Those who read the al-Qur'an will find the underlined phrases been repeated many times in different ayats of the al-Qur'an i.e. to the disbelievers, Allah will seal their hearts, their hearings and cover their eyes. The disbelievers are also been referred to as deaf, dumb, and blind. What does this mean..?

Al Baqarah (2:18)

Al Baqarah (2:171)

Maidah (5:71) 

Al An'am - The Cattle (6:39)

Hud (11:20)

Fusillat - Explained in Details (41:44)

The above 6 ayats of the al-Qur'an clearly showed that Allah refers to the disbelievers as the deaf, dumb and blind because Allah has sealed their hearts, hearings, and eyes. Another question, why Allah sealed their hearts, hearings, and eyes?

The writer decided to write on this topic because there are some people who said, "My heart, my hearing, and my eyes are blinded by Allah because Allah has fated me to be this way, due to Qada' and Qodar..". So, what is qada' and qodar?

Qada' and Qodar is fate that Allah has determined at the time when a person is born. Some said, if you are fated to go to hell, nothing can be changed. Many believe that since qada' and qodar are decided by Allah and being a servant of Allah, we have to accept what has been ordained by Allah. The truth is that such a view is wrong because Allah is the All-Knower (Most knowledgeable) and All-Wise on all events that will occur BUT Allah's knowledge on all matters will not affect the will of his servants.

At the time of Omar Al-Khattab, a man was arrested for stealing and he was brought to the Caliph. The man was asked: "Why did you steal?" The man answered: "Because Allah has ordained this for me." Caliph Omar was very angry with this man thus he goes on to say: "Beat this man with thirty strokes after that cut his hand". The man was surprised by the sentence and asked:" Why such a heavy sentence?" said Omar Al-Khattab:" Your hand will be cut-off for theft and whipped is for lying in the name of Allah". What is meant here, Allah has allowed man to make a choice and this is part of qada' and qodar of Allah. In fact, Muslims are encouraged to make 'doa" (prayer) every day to Allah, to fulfill one's request.

The Writer will not dwell more on qada' and qodar but should the reader of this blog is keen to know more, please google and you will find many websites on this topic.


We shall examine some of the many ayats relating to a warning by Allah on mankind who does not obey Allah's laws. Surah Al Araf (ayat 1 to 10), is among the surah that revealed ayats relating to warnings to the disbelievers.

Al-'A'raf (7:1 - 3)

Al-'A'raf (7:4-7)

Allah reminded us about all the cities that Allah had destroyed without warning (we shall read more about the destroyed nations in Section 3 of this topic).

Al-'A'raf (7:8-10)


Those who do good deeds will be rewarded in Hereafter. After reading the above reminders from Allah, now let's relate to why Allah sealed the hearts, hearings, and eyes of the disbelievers. First, let look at sura Al Baqarah ayat 6 & 7 below:-

Al Baqarah - The Cow (2:6) 

Al Baqarah (2:7

Fussilat (41:5)

Al-Haj - The Pilgrimage  (22:46)

Al Jathiyah - The Crouching (45:23)

Ar Rum - The Romans (30:59)

Al Munafiqun - The Hypocrites (63:3)

At Tawbah - The Repentance (9:87)

Now let's examine what Allah meant by these three (3) phrases implying parts or sensory parts or senses of the human body i.e. (a) hearts (b) hearings and (c) eyes that have bearing over our speech, minds, and reasonings.  We usually make decisions using all these senses but if Allah has sealed the three senses mentioned above, whatever "dalil" (ayat of the al-Qur'an) and evidence mentioned, even over time it had been proven to be true by today's discovery, the disbelievers (inclusive those who are born Muslims but do not live a true Muslim life), they will not believe ie. they will not open their hearts and their minds.

One very important question that needs to be answered is this ! Allah is Most Compassionate. If you ask for forgiveness, he will surely forgive (except if you are among the zalimun - syirik against Allah) BUT why Allah sealed their hearts?

To explain, let's go back to the day after Adam was created!

Al Baqarah - The Cow (2:34)

Al 'A raf - The Heights (7:11)

Iblis (Satan) belongs to the Jinn family. Before Allah created Adam, Iblis was given the status among the Angels but when he refused to prostrate to Adam, Allah cast him out of heaven. Iblis refused to prostrate to Adam not because Iblis does not know the repercussion of his action BUT due to Iblis's attitude (proud of his origin i.e. created from fire compared to Adam, created from earth. Iblis perceived that his status, originate from fire is higher than earth. Due to Iblis's attitude, Allah cast Iblis to be among the disbelievers.

Likewise, humans whose hearts refused to accept Allah's law are actually akin to Iblis's rejection of Allah's command. In our time, those who prefer only Allah's nikmat (pleasures) in this world but do not do anything to prepare themselves (despite all the warnings, signs and evidence) for the Hereafter, Allah will eventually seal their hearts and they will not see the road at the end of the tunnel i.e. judgment day. 

As revealed by one of the Writer' Ustaz, Allah will give wealth to a person to test him or her. When they got the wealth, many forget that all the wealth that they got, is given by Allah. They became arrogant, do not accept others' opinion (others are wrong, only they are right), like to be praised, stingy or if they give charity - basically to show-off i.e. not sincere, they became ungrateful, when reminded them about ayats or hadiths of the prophet Muhammad SallaLlahu alaihi wassalam, they became angry with the person who reminded them (instead of thanking they keep vengeance). They said, all the wealth given by Allah because Allah bless them or they got all the wealth because of their hard work (similar to what Qarun said during Moses time).  When there is no way or signs that this kind of people will turn back to good, Allah surely had sealed their hearts, hearings, and eyes, until one day, Allah takes their wealth away, abruptly or slowly, only Allah the All-Knower.

In a similar situation, a person is grateful to Allah wherewith his wealth, he continues to gives charity quietly for the sake of Allah (please refer to topic 4 on Tadabbur and topic 7 on Infaq), he is more humble (like the saying, down to earth person), do not like to be praised, a pious person - spend more time glorifying Allah and accepts Allah's law in total, basically contrary to the person who Allah had sealed his hearth, hearing, and eyes.

An Nahl - The Bee (16: 107 - 108)
Why Allah sealed their hearings ..?

A Baqarah (2:6)

Al Baqarah (2:7)

They can see and listen but somehow, they hate listening to al-Qur'an or if they do listen and read the al-Qur'an, it's because reading the al-Qur'an becomes ritual i.e. reading without understanding what they read. They also do not like to hear tazkirah, usrah  (religious talk or probably they do not like to be reminded especially if it's related to life in this world and Hereafter - Ayat 16:107 above). When there is religious talk in the Masjid (or anywhere there's one) they will stay away. Some are even worse, they block people from performing or attending religious talk etc. This happened during the prophet's time and probably the same is happening today...!

Luqman (31:7)

 Yusof - Joseph (12: 1- 3)

Why Allah sealed their eyes?

Hud (11:28)

An-Naml - The Ants (27:66)

To open the eyes of the disbelievers, Allah has shown clear evidence and remains of destroyed nations (refer to Section 3 below) as a warning but yet many (especially people of the books) still do not believe. Allah described them like cattle (an animal).

 Al A'raf - The Heights (7:179) 

Al An-fal (The Spoils of War) (8:22)

Al Furqan - The Criterion (25:44)

The destroyed nations are clear evidence or proofs to the disbelievers. Some of these pieces of evidence are found during the prophet's time but there is also evidence that was only found recently by today's scientists. Actually, recent discoveries are even better pieces of evidence to prove that the Quran is the words of Allah. There are those who became Muslims after accepting this evidence but many still remain among the disbelievers.

Topic on destroyed nations by Allah shall be continued under Topic 6.



  1. Read Online Surah of The Holy Quran Translation in English.

  2. Most valuable information most of the persons has no knowledge about the nation's destroyed by Almighty God ignoring disobeying His commondments must be brought to present nation to karan a lesson and Fear Almighty Lord Allah.
