In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
In this month of Ramadan, apart from performing As-Saum , Muslims are encouraged to do good deeds, infaq (gives charity to the poor, orphans, for religious purposes etc), be careful of what they say and do, pay zakat and fitrah, do not miss their daily prayers (prayer is wajib or compulsory so it's applicable forever) and read the al-Qur'an.
It's common knowledge that during the month of Ramadan, most Muslims will read al-Qur'an and not only that, most will try to read and complete the whole 30 juzuk within the month of Ramadan itself and there are also some, who will focus their effort to read the whole 30 juzuk many times as possible within the month. Unfortunately, however, there are also many Muslims who do not understand what they read because they do not understand the Quranic Arabic. Perhaps, its not too bad when they supplement their effort by reading and understanding the translation of the Qur'an but some, due to their eagerness to achieve their reading targets, they completely ignore the translation.
The writer tried to search through the internet on the definition of tadabbur and found many explanations on the meaning. In summary, tadabbur can be simply defined as reading, hearing, interpreting, review and implement since Al Quran, is meant to guide ones' life as a Muslim.
The Writer remembered attending a lecture by Mufti Ismail Musa Menk (Zimbabwe) at Hotel De'Palma, Ampang, Malaysia recently. Mufti Menk commented that in performing tadabbur al Quran, it will be more effective if you just read one (1) verse a day, understand it, see what you can achieve from it and implement what Allah ask you to do (purpose of the verse) and make sure what you decide to implement is good for fellow Muslims and mankind as a whole, in seeking blessing from Allah.
During his presentation, the Writer remembered he commented that his tadabbur group since last 12 years, has only completed 18 juzuk of the Al Quran. They read few verses each time they meet and try to implement, where applicable.
This method was also confirmed by the Writer's Ustaz, who advised similar method used by Mufti Menk. He gave an example as follows:
Sura Al-Maun (107: 1- 7)

From the above sura (107: 1-7), you can pick the first three ayats i.e. 1, 2 and 3 and discuss what Allah asks you to do. From the Writer's own understanding of the translation, Muslims are urged to spend (infaq) part of their rezki (reaffirmed by Sura Al Baqarah (2:3) to the orphans and the poor. What is more important, you should spend it in this month of Ramadan. It was said in one of the Hadiths, your one (1) deed in the month of Ramadan is considered as though you have done 70 deeds.
So during this month of Ramadan, what a tadabbur group can do is to collect money among themselves (and perhaps, from others too), purchase goods and provisions (or in other forms like ready food etc) and hand the goods and provisions out in the form of charity but make sure the recipients are real orphans and the poor. The Writer said this because to his understanding, real orphans and the poor are those who are not staying in orphan home managed by the authority or individual but those outside there (you have to search for it); with no opportunity to stay in such orphan homes and the poor who are living under what the Malay proverb said "kias pagi makan pagi kias petang makan petang" or in English "eating from hand to hand from breakfast to evening" or simply, if you do not earn anything in the morning, there is no food on the plate.
Your tadabbur group can also plan big...! Next step you do similar collection to build new orphanage. Just to share, our tadabbur group target to achieve RM100k within the month of Ramadan to support an orphanage home and within last three (3) weeks we have thus far, collected more than RM52k.
To set up a tadabbur group, choose a surah suitable for the month of Ramadan, read, review, understand and most importantly, implement it. Suggestion on how tadabbur can be conducted is as follows:
- Read one or two verses (per day/per week or per month) of the Quran with tajweed tartil (slowly), with appropriate makraj and proper rhythm reading;
- Read the verse translation in the mother tongue (region,nation) of those listening to the verse in order to understand and be understood by those listening;
- Read the above verse again in tartil;
- Analyse yourselves, what all of you have been doing, what can be done to improve yourselves, what can be done to improve others, think of one purpose that can be easily implemented and achieved and how to ensure consistency in what the group plan to do !
- Last but not least, do not stop tadabbur once Ramadan is over, this group should continue their tadabbur forever until the whole juzuks of the Quran have been tadabbur.
Infaq would be the easiest way for a tadabbur group to work on but remember this:
Al-Baqarah (2:268)
Satan will whisper to you, don't infaq, it will reduce what you have (Shaitan threatens you with poverty) or you hold you plan, decide to do it later when you have more money and so on. Don't let Satan beat you in his game. Allah promises you Forgiveness and whatever you infaq, Allah will surely replace.
Today (10 Aug 2012), the Writer would like to share what was discussed during our group's tadabbur session yesterday and this evening. We have been discussing on Surah Al Hujuraat (The rooms) since first week of Ramadan and our last session will be this coming Saturday.
In yesterday's session, we discussed ayat 15 of the said sura as follows:
Al-Hujuraat (49:15)
Those who believes in Allah and his Messenger, will infaq (give away part of their wealth to charity for good purpose i.e. for benefits of Islam and the Muslims) and Allah promised, whatever they infaq will be replaced by Allah.
At Taubah (9:98)
During the Messenger's time, the Bedouins (who just converted to Islam) felt it is a loss to them when giving away their wealth to charity and they were waiting (then) the Messenger for certain misfortune to fall on him so they do not need to spend on charity (during that time, most of the Bedouins were munafik because they were nomads and do not understand the Quranic laws - please refer to Sura At Taubah 9:97 and 9:99 for explanation why they are among the munafiks). Most of them became Muslims then not because of faith but because they had no choice since many people surrounding Madinah then had converted to Islam. Allah further says;
Al-Hujuraat (49:16-17)
History is repeating itself. Same situation as related to Ayat 9:98 is applicable today. There are Muslims who may not be among the true believers (this was discussed in earlier topics). Why? because they do not want to spend (infaq) their money/wealth to the cause of Allah.
Az Zalzalah (99: 7- 8)
Allah says, in ayat 99:7, whatever good (including infaq) to the weight of an atom, Allah will take into account and will replace. Likewise, in ayat 99:8, whatever evil deed one does, will also be replaced with severe punishment.
What is the best way to infaq where one can gain good deeds forever? Let's look at these examples:
1) If you infaq for the development of a new masjid, you will gain long term deeds from Allah. When the masjid is completed, people will pray there forever apart from other religious activities that will be held in the mosque later;
2) Infaq to Tahfiz schools (student in this school can recite al Quran by heart, learn Arabic and future Islamic teachers). When they teach others who also became al hafizans, your deeds will be forever (in other words, if the Writer is to picture the good deeds that you will gain in real life example, it's just like getting commission in a multi-level marketing (MLM) business i.e. the more downlines you have, the bigger is your commission check! The only difference is that in MLM business there is a cut-off or breakaway level BUT for your good deeds, there is no breakaway level, it will expand until judgement day.
The above mentioned deeds are contrary to these type of good deeds:
3) Buy dinner table for charitable musical show (maybe, there are elements of sins here if the charity show include wild punk music, dancing where women expose their aurat etc) where you are not sure of the actual purpose and also whether Allah, accepts this kind of deed;
4) Give charity to a school to build sport complex.
Take note that example 3) and 4) are also good deeds but one-off type!. Whatever charity you give to 1) and 2) are many times better than 3) and 4) and your deeds will continue to expand thus, you should give more for 1) and 2).
On the other hand, there are some people will give more to 3) and 4) because they want to show to people of their deeds (show off !)
Saba' (34:39)
The ayat is very clear. Allah enlarge and restrict the provision (rezki) to those who he wishes and Allah promised, whatsoever you spend on Allahs' cause, he will replace it. When..! Only those who have done good deeds will know and experience. If Allah does not replace it in this life, Allah will surely replace it in hereafter.
Al-Muzzammil (73:20)
Focus on the translation underlined in red. When you give zakat and good deeds, you are actually giving a good loan (Al Qhadul Hassan) to Allah. If you are among the true believers, you will know that Allah will repay the good loan.
But remember, all the above good deeds are subject to you first accept Allah's law in total otherwise whatever good deeds that you think is forever, actually does not carry any weight during judgement day as described in Sura Al-Kahf below:
Al-Kahf (18: 103 - 105)
Ayat 105 above, clearly mentioned you must accept Islamic laws in total, NOT accepting some and denying some. For example, accept laws for marriages but deny laws on crimes done by criminals.
In addition, daily prayers and reading the Al Quran become ritual because they do not even understand what they recite in their prayer and what they read. There are many Muslim scholars that say, reading the Al Quran without understanding it, is also part of good deeds! Now let's define the word "read" and "reading"!
The Writer typed define "read" in Wikipedia The result, read is defined as "language acquisition, communication and learning". In addition, the word "reading comprehension" is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text.
In another dictionary , the word "read" is defined as "to examine and grasp the meaning (written or printed characters, words or sentences)".
Now let's look at this ayat !
Al-Baqarah (2:121)
In another dictionary , the word "read" is defined as "to examine and grasp the meaning (written or printed characters, words or sentences)".
Now let's look at this ayat !
Al-Baqarah (2:121)
.........recite it as it should be recited i.e. followed ? This is an instruction from Allah. You are among the losers if you do not adhere to Allah's instruction. So, do you think Allah gives us the Al Quran for us to ONLY read ...without understanding and implementing what Allah has ordained?
Al-Ahzab (33:36)
Yusuf (12:2)
Allah also stressed in Al Baqarah (2:2), Al Quran was sent to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SallaLlahu alaihi wassalam (through Angel Gabriel) as guidance to mankind. We take all the Nikmat from Allah in this world and we do not even have time to learn and understand his Book (the Quran)?. Let's think again.
So Readers, if you know how to read the Al Quran but do not understand its meaning without reading the translation, spend your money and time to learn Al Quran arabic. Learn while you are still young and if you are already aged, it's still not too late. If the Writer can do it, why not you. Whatever qualifications you have, diploma, degree and PhD etc meant nothing in the hereafter.
Read more on infaq in Article 7 of this blog.
So Readers, if you know how to read the Al Quran but do not understand its meaning without reading the translation, spend your money and time to learn Al Quran arabic. Learn while you are still young and if you are already aged, it's still not too late. If the Writer can do it, why not you. Whatever qualifications you have, diploma, degree and PhD etc meant nothing in the hereafter.
Read more on infaq in Article 7 of this blog.
Allah bless you all.
Ramadan Kareem.
assalamualaikum brother,
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah for your blog! I have just been introduced to tadabbur by an ex student of mine and thus far had only 4 sessions with her. but the four sessions opened my eyes to what i have been neglecting in my life. I have been too busy with the worldly...i hope you will continue to post your notes because they are so helpful to me. i have a lot to learn, that i'm sure of and i hope Allah will make it easy for me. jazakullah hu khair
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