Tuesday, June 26, 2012


In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

The Writer copied this from a blog and decided to share this with visitors of this blog too.

1) Did you know this about the Quran

2) Cycle of Human Creation

The writer remembers a Somalian friend Sheikh Mohamed Yasin said that he had many years ago debated with a Christian friend who finally converted to Islam after debating with him for three (3) days on the truth of Islam and Christianity. For the 3rd day debate,  both agreed that if either one can convince his respective religion's truth, the other will convert. The morning of the 3rd-day debate, Sheikh Yasin did a tahajjud prayer asking Allah's help and guidance. There was an initial deadlock on the 3rd-day debate, but with Allah's help, something crossed his mind to talk about the cycle of human creation. Sheikh Yasin used an analogy similar to earth, wind, fire, and water (the 4 elements as some believed but take note, Allah created Adam from Earth), and human also undergoes similar cycle. According to him, for human, there are four (4) intervention or cycle as explained by him as follows:-

1) Without the intervention of father and mother, like the creation of Adam by Allah;
2) With the intervention of only father, like the creation of Eve from the rips of Adam;
3) Creation of children through the intervention of father and mother, like the children of Adam; and finally;
4) Birth of Jesus, without a father when the Angel Gabriel said to Marry that she will give birth to a child without man intervention as related by Allah in Sura Mariam (19:35) as follows:

Thus, the final result is as follows (refer to the table below)

1) No, No
2) Yes, No
3) Yes, Yes and lastly
4) No, Yes

Simply, if there is a No, No, the corresponding result should be Yes, Yes. Likewise, when there is a Yes, No, the corresponding result is No, Yes.

Graphically, the above can be further explained in the table below:

Using the above analogy, he finally managed to convince his friend to convert to Islam. Please note that this is just an analogy, and readers of this blog do not need to believe it as the writer is merely sharing his friend's experience in dealing with his Christian friend. Most importantly, the lesson learned here is how my friend managed to convince his friend to convert to Islam. Maybe, Muslim scholars who read this blog page can share their views on this analogy. If this analogy is somehow against Islam's view, I will be glad to delete this analogy to avoid any controversy.

Walllahu Alam, only Allah knows the Truth.

3) How to locate the Juzuk using a mathematical formula

Another interesting discovery (from another blog) that the Writer would like to share is using the mathematical formulas for Al Quran readers to zoom to the correct page of the juzuk. What is juzuk? See the image below:

Unfortunately, the Writer does not have the English translation of the Al-Quran, but when you read the Al Quran, you can go to Juz 20 on page 382. The simple formula is as follows:

4) Interesting Theory About Sura Al Muddathhir (74: 30) with the ayat (translation) "Over It Are  Nineteen)"

We shall first view the ayat in Arabic and then the English transaction from Sura 74 from ayat 1 to 30. Thereafter, we watch the video clip which the Writer found on Youtube. Perhaps, this video may be what Allah meant by " Over it is nineteen (19)".

Al-Muddaththir (74: 1 - 30)

Now watch the Youtube video on the subject matter.

Another talk regarding over it is nineteen.

Now, let read what Allah said further on this Sura!

Al-Muddaththir (74: 31)

5. The Quran about the Seas and Rivers

Modern science has discovered that there is a barrier between two different seas meet in the places where two different seas meet. This barrier divides the two seas to have their own temperature, salinity, and density. For example, Mediterranean seawater is warm, saline, and less dense than Atlantic ocean water. When Mediterranean sea water enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill, it moves several hundred kilometers into the Atlantic at a depth of about 1000 meters with its own warm, saline, and less dense characteristics. The Mediterranean water stabilizes at this depth (see figure 1 below)

Figure 1

Monday, June 4, 2012


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

How do we measure ourselves as among the true believers (orang yang beriman) and how Allah catergorise us to be among the losers (orang yang rugi). Allah clearly described this in the following surahs and ayats (verses):

Al Baqarah (2:2)

(This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah [taqwa - piety])

Al Baqarah (2:3)

(Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer and spend out of what We have provided for them)

Al Baqarah (2:4)

(And who believe in what was been revealed to you, (O Muhammad), and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith] )

It is enough for us to read the al-Qur'an without understanding its meaning? Or is it sufficient for us to just read and understand the meaning without implementing it..?. Or is it sufficient for us to know Allah's law that clearly explained what are the do's and don't, clearly spelt those who will be rewarded and those who will be punished during Judgement Day BUT no attempt to deliver or assist those who wishes to implement Allah's laws? How to determine who are the believers and who are the losers (non believers) as described by Allah?

Let's read some of the surahs and ayats stated below:

 Al Baqarah (2:121)

Who are the losers? The losers are not just the non-Muslims but also those who claimed to be Muslims (do not reject Allah's laws) BUT action wise, do nothing or do not support (openly or silently) the implementation of Allah's laws.

So, how to be among the believers?

Al Hujurat (49:15)

The above ayat is very clear, the believers are Muslims who not only believes in Allah and his Messenger (PBUH) but also deliver and implement what is demanded by Allah. Surah al-Hujurat (49:15) above, basically tells the Muslims to read the al-Qur'an, understand and practice what Allah demands, and be among those who  believe (among the believers). We must NOT be among the losers as clearly stipulated in ayat al-Baqarah (2:121) above and repeated below.

Al Baqarah (2:121)

 What are the punishments promised by Allah to the losers?

Al Araf (7:40)

Arrogance in the above ayat means those who do not care, no effort to understand the meaning of the al-Qur'an and even worse, do not use laws demanded by Allah on the ground that in present times, most of the laws in the al-Qur'an are no longer relevant (because we now living in pluralistic societies and in new technology era) and the al-Qur'an is only suitable at time of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (PBUH). Allah is most knowing, the al-Qur'an has been scientifically proven to be applicable then, now and forever. Visit website it-is-truth

Al Furqan (25:30)

Historically during the time of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. (PBUH), Madinah has been occupied by people of different races and religious believes. This means, the Islamic laws have been practised and proven workable during the time of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. (PBUH). In today's world, almost all Muslim countries (except for countries like Saudi, Acheh and soon Brunei Darul Salam..),  Islamic laws are no longer implemented in full but on what are needed, such as law for marriage, divorce and inheritance.

Allah's laws are applicable then, now and forever and ayat Al-Furqan (25:30) above, Allah revealed what the Messenger said about his people (Muslims in the future) will desert the al-Qur'an and this is happening now!

If losers have no place in heaven, where will they be placed by Allah?  Ayat Al-Araf (7:41) stipulated the losers will be placed in hell-fire.

Al Araf (7:41)

Who are the zalimun?

Luqman (31:13)

Zulm are those who worship others with Allah (act of syirik - other beings as equal to Allah). In this surah, syirik does not mean JUST those who worship other than Allah, like the Christians believing Jesus as the son of God, but also those who declares themselves as Muslims but ignores the al-Qur'an and make it as decoration (..for show) without implementing Allah's laws. 

 Al Hudraat (49:1)

As they turned away from the laws of the al-Qur'an, use laws that are conflicting (creation of man) other than laws of Allah, they are actually placing themselves forward before Allah and his Messenger.

Another situation where one does not put any effort in trying to learn the Al Quran and turned away from Allah's laws but is a good person at heart, has alot of money, gives charity to the poor and ophanage, contributes money to the house of Allah (masjid)! How do Allah judge them?

Allah clearly mentioned in Sura Al-Kafh ayat 103 - 105 that all their deeds are for nothing...! Only Allah is Most Knowing...

Al-Kahf (18:103 - 105)

Why Allah do that on them?

Ar-Rum (30:7)

Allah because they only think about their worldly matter i.e. matters relating to their livelihood and heedless of the Hereafter.

Allah also reminded us in Surah Al-Hadid (57:20) below that if we live in this world only for play, sport, enjoyment, boasting, rivalry in respect of wealth and children, show of power etc, its not going to last long. Like vegetation, it will grow green after rain and finalling become yellow, dried up and crumbles away. The penalty for the disbelievers and evil-doers is very severe in the Hereafter. This ayat clearly reminded us not to be caught in this world of decieving enjoyment. Do not let go the al-Qur'an and Sunnah!

Al-Hadid (57:20)

What we should do to please Allah! Is it difficult? Very interesting checklist that we can derive from this ayat.

Al-Ahzab (33:35)

The above ayat mentioned actions that we need to do apart from enjoying what Allah has given us (according to his laws) in this world:

a) Submit you will, heart and soul to Allah (you are his servant);
b) Believe in the oneness of Allah (...never syirik against Allah);
c) Obedient to Allah (his laws, Sunnah of his Messenger, perform daily salat);
d) Truthful in our speech and deeds (no lies and sincere in your deeds - ikhlas)
e) Patient in performing all the duties that Allah has ordered and abstaining from all that Allah has forbidden (no riba, no alcohol, no non-halal food, no cheating etc)
f) Humble (before Allah) and mankind;
g) Give sadaqat (zakat, alms etc)
h) Observe Saum (fasting during month of Ramadhan);
i) Guard their chastity from illegal sexual acts and related acts that can lead to illegal sexual acts;
j) Remember Allah much with their hearts and tougues (regularly read and understands the al-Qur'an, zikir etc).

Pray to Allah that we are not among the people that Allah is displeased ! Allah will seal their hearts, hearings and eyes. They will not receive Allah's guidance and they continue to think they have done many good deeds (refer Al-Kahf (18:105) abovebut actually they have not ! 

Al-Baqarah (2:7)

If you are the head of your family, it's your duty to guide your family to be among the believers and not among the wrongdoers..!

Believe in Allah!

Al-Maidah (5:55)

Al-Maidah (5:56)

Now that we know that it is important for us to understand al-Qur'an, what happen to those who have left this world without understanding the al-Qur'an..? Allah answered this in Surah Al-Baqarah 141 as follows:

Al-Baqarah (2:141)

Only Allah is Most Knowing. People in our family who have passed, when we learn and understand the al-Qur'an, In sya Allah, they will earn the benefits of our good deeds..!. So, always pray to Allah that we are in the right path..! And if you believe in what Allah ask us to do in Al Baqarah (2:254) share this information with your friends and relatives. May Allah bless you!
