In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
The Writer copied this from a blog and decided to share this with visitors of this blog too.
1) Did you know this about the Quran
2) Cycle of Human Creation
The writer remembers a Somalian friend Sheikh Mohamed Yasin said that he had many years ago debated with a Christian friend who finally converted to Islam after debating with him for three (3) days on the truth of Islam and Christianity. For the 3rd day debate, both agreed that if either one can convince his respective religion's truth, the other will convert. The morning of the 3rd-day debate, Sheikh Yasin did a tahajjud prayer asking Allah's help and guidance. There was an initial deadlock on the 3rd-day debate, but with Allah's help, something crossed his mind to talk about the cycle of human creation. Sheikh Yasin used an analogy similar to earth, wind, fire, and water (the 4 elements as some believed but take note, Allah created Adam from Earth), and human also undergoes similar cycle. According to him, for human, there are four (4) intervention or cycle as explained by him as follows:-
1) Without the intervention of father and mother, like the creation of Adam by Allah;
2) With the intervention of only father, like the creation of Eve from the rips of Adam;
3) Creation of children through the intervention of father and mother, like the children of Adam; and finally;
4) Birth of Jesus, without a father when the Angel Gabriel said to Marry that she will give birth to a child without man intervention as related by Allah in Sura Mariam (19:35) as follows:
Thus, the final result is as follows (refer to the table below)
1) No, No
2) Yes, No
3) Yes, Yes and lastly
4) No, Yes
Simply, if there is a No, No, the corresponding result should be Yes, Yes. Likewise, when there is a Yes, No, the corresponding result is No, Yes.
Graphically, the above can be further explained in the table below:
Using the above analogy, he finally managed to convince his friend to convert to Islam. Please note that this is just an analogy, and readers of this blog do not need to believe it as the writer is merely sharing his friend's experience in dealing with his Christian friend. Most importantly, the lesson learned here is how my friend managed to convince his friend to convert to Islam. Maybe, Muslim scholars who read this blog page can share their views on this analogy. If this analogy is somehow against Islam's view, I will be glad to delete this analogy to avoid any controversy.
Walllahu Alam, only Allah knows the Truth.
3) How to locate the Juzuk using a mathematical formula
Unfortunately, the Writer does not have the English translation of the Al-Quran, but when you read the Al Quran, you can go to Juz 20 on page 382. The simple formula is as follows:
4) Interesting Theory About Sura Al Muddathhir (74: 30) with the ayat (translation) "Over It Are Nineteen)"
We shall first view the ayat in Arabic and then the English transaction from Sura 74 from ayat 1 to 30. Thereafter, we watch the video clip which the Writer found on Youtube. Perhaps, this video may be what Allah meant by " Over it is nineteen (19)".
Al-Muddaththir (74: 1 - 30)
Another talk regarding over it is nineteen.
Now, let read what Allah said further on this Sura!
Al-Muddaththir (74: 31)
5. The Quran about the Seas and Rivers
Modern science has discovered that there is a barrier between two different seas meet in the places where two different seas meet. This barrier divides the two seas to have their own temperature, salinity, and density. For example, Mediterranean seawater is warm, saline, and less dense than Atlantic ocean water. When Mediterranean sea water enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill, it moves several hundred kilometers into the Atlantic at a depth of about 1000 meters with its own warm, saline, and less dense characteristics. The Mediterranean water stabilizes at this depth (see figure 1 below)
Figure 1